
Sustainability is one of our top priorities, and we believe it should be at the heart of modern horticulture.

Here you’ll find articles discussing sustainability in greenhouses and grow rooms, energy efficiency, and more.

Interview with Miljøgartneriet Head Grower – Environmental Cultivation, Energy Savings and Yield Improvements

Interview with Miljøgartneriet Vegetables' Head Grower Environmental Cultivation, Energy Savings and Yield Improvements We recently sat down with Simon Hansen, head grower of Norway’s largest vegetable producer. This in depth interview touches on sustainable cultivation practices, as well as advanced greenhouse technologies and techniques. Miljøgartneriet is Norway’s largest Read More ›

The Benefits of Combining Greenhouse Dehumidifiers and Screens

The Benefits of Combining Greenhouse Dehumidifiers and Screens Thermal screens, often called energy screens or climate screens, are an integral part of modern greenhouses. However, using screens without proper protocols, and integrating additional climate control measures, reduces their effectiveness. This leads to higher energy costs, and less benefits Read More ›

What Is Controlled Environment Agriculture?

What Is Controlled Environment Agriculture? Controlled environment agriculture (CEA) has been growing in popularity over the last couple of decades. Greenhouses have been around for hundreds of years. However, modern CEA has taken control over cultivation to new levels, which many see as the future of food production. Read More ›

How to Save Water in Greenhouse

How to Save Water in Greenhouse Water is a crucial component in any type of agriculture. However, the availability of water supplies and pricing of water are slowly becoming limiting factors in many places around the world. This past summer, even European growers suffered from unprecedented shortages. The Read More ›

How to Save Greenhouse Energy – Greenhouse Growing Tips

How to Save Greenhouse Energy Greenhouse growing is an important part of food production. They let growers grow more crops per plot of land, grow higher quality produce, and grow fruit and vegetables off-season. However, growing in greenhouses, especially modern, technological greenhouses, requires a lot of energy. With energy Read More ›

What Is Vertical Farming and What You Should Know About It

What Is Vertical Farming? Vertical farming is one of many new, innovative, technology-driven cultivation methods. As the name suggests, vertical cultivation means stacking crops on top of each other, in order to optimize space use, and ultimately grow more produce. Vertical farms have various benefits compared to traditional farming: Read More ›

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