There are over 200 species of Botrytis, a very common greenhouse humidity disease.

In conditions of high relative humidity, botrytis penetrates the plant and begins to develop. Its symptoms can be found on leaves, stems, flowers, and fruit. The tissue on which it develops becomes dark and sometimes soft, due to the death of the host cells.

Botrytis infections can be recognized by the appearance of gray, dusty spores with a velvety appearance. In some flowers, light colored spots with a dark brown ring can indicate mold infection.

Once the infection is visible to the naked eye, the mold has already penetrated the plant and chemical treatments often won’t have effective results. This disease is a major problem for most greenhouse growers.

Learn how to prevent botrytis or bud rot.

Botrytis generates white ring on tomato fruit

by golglocki , CC – BYSA3.0

Gray spores on eggplant

Gray spores at the base of campanula flowers

Infected cannabis flower

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