DryGair Joins Horti Footprint Chain Program

DryGair is proud to partner with the Horti Footprint Chain Program, by Greenhouse Sustainability. This is a welcomed initiative created to reduce the environmental footprint of food production and other horticulture products.

Horti Footprint aims to map the carbon footprint of horticulture products, in order to optimize production, and ultimately bring the environmental impact down to zero. The footprint calculation is the most extensive one done to date, and includes the entire production chain, from the manufacturing of farming equipment, all the way to the final harvest.

As a part of the program, DryGair will assist growers in reducing CO2 by lowering energy consumption in greenhouses and indoor grow rooms.

European Parliament Strengthens Emissions Trading System and CO2 Tax

The Horti Footprint program has recently become more relevant than ever, on the heels of the changes made to the ETS and CBAM programs.

On April 18th, the European Parliament approved changes to the Emissions Trading System. Under the new changes, the ETS is set to further increase the climate goals set.

By 2030, 62% of CO2 emissions must be reduced, compared to 2025. The goal has been increased from the previously agreed 43%. The change to the agreement will take effect in 2024, from which the annual reduction to CO2 will be 4.3% until 2028, and 4.4% afterwards.

The new EU agreement will impact the horticulture sector in the continent, forcing growers to face rising taxation on CO2 emissions, or reduce fossil fuel use significantly.

Reduce Greenhouse Energy Use by 50% On Average with DryGair

The DryGair solution was developed to optimize greenhouse energy usage, saving up to 70% on energy consumption. As such, it’s a great fit for the Horti Footprint program. DryGair dehumidifiers assist in bringing down the carbon footprint of any crop production, by reducing the overall energy requirements of greenhouses and grow rooms.

Using DryGair dehumidifiers in your greenhouse doesn’t just reduce energy consumption. It also contributes to larger yields and prevents diseases, without using toxic sprays.