50% Energy Savings

“Prior to DryGair, we spent a lot of money and energy reducing humidity by heating and ventilating. Since we’ve been using DryGair, we’ve been able to reduce our energy costs by about 50%, because now we don’t have to use the heating system as often as we used to, and we’re ventilating the room a lot less during the evening.

I’ve worked with different dehumidifiers in the past, ranging from top-of-the-line brands to the bottom of the line. We’re currently experiencing issues in our other room with other dehumidifiers that create too much heat and consume too much energy.”

Significant Mold Prevention – Powdery Mildew

“We invested in DryGair mainly because we had issues with humidity. Because of the sizes of our flower rooms and the number of plants we have, there was an excess in the amount of moisture. If you can’t manage humidity during the evening, you’ll have a lot of issues with mold and bacteria, including diseases like powdery mildew.”

Yield Improvements

“Since using DryGair we’ve seen amazing improvements to our product quality and yield. We’ve been able to reduce the number of molds. At the end of the day, we extract a lot more flower from the rooms than we used to.”

Full Humidity Control

“We use the DryGair units during the day sometimes, when it’s cloudy and we’re unable to ventilate the room. We find that DryGair is able to bring the humidity down to the exact level we need it to be.

DryGair makes it really simple. All you have to do is put your set points in and the DryGair will do the rest.”

production and photography: Mendy Grauman – Self-Aweh Productions

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