Nursery Zuidplas Grow Gerberas Sustainably Using DryGair – FloralDaily

FloralDaily magazine recently reported on Nursery Zuidplas, a leading gerbera grower in the Netherlands. The nursery has been toted as growing beautiful, high-quality gerberas, using sustainable techniques.

Nursery Zuidplas’ sustainable cultivation practices include using DryGair for dehumidification, as well as reducing energy and water consumption.

The following quotes are taken from the original article published on FloralDaily.

“One grower that contributes to Van der Plas’ efforts is Kwekerij Zuidplas, where every flower tells a story of conscious cultivation and sustainability.”

Using DryGair to Improve Sustainability

Nursery Zuidplas emphasizes sustainability in every aspect of production. According to the article, the company not only invests in energy efficiency, but also in water conservation, and reducing toxicity associated with cultivation.

DryGair ties into to every one of these aspects. The DryGair system allows the nursery to control humidity inside the space, without requiring ventilation to release moisture. This results in significantly lower heating requirements, and allows for greater control over the space, including greener pest and disease management.

“Previously, we used to heat on moisture. Nowadays, we extract moisture from the air by dehumidification using DryGair. We then use the condensed water again for our plants. We send the remaining warm air back into the greenhouse.”

Another benefit DryGair provides is reusable water. A single DG-12 unit can provide as much as 1,000 liters of water per day, simply by extracting it from the air. This water can be mixed with irrigation water or used for other purposes around the greenhouse.

A New Way to Grow

Nursery Zuidplas uses a holistic approach to greenhouse management, in which different systems are used to create the ideal, most efficient production.

As mentioned, using DryGair lets you close and insulate the space, without needing to ventilate. This opens the door for additional improvements to cultivation and efficiency, such as using thermal screens to insulate and keep heat inside, while compensating for radiation using efficient LED lighting.

Nursery Zuidplas is a great example of how modern greenhouses can operate, leaving behind traditional practices, in favor of more efficient and effective cultivation.