
One of the biggest expenses associated with controlled environment cultivation, is energy. From grow lights, to heating, to humidity control, it’s all about striking the right energy balance.

Interview with Miljøgartneriet Head Grower – Environmental Cultivation, Energy Savings and Yield Improvements

Interview with Miljøgartneriet Vegetables' Head Grower Environmental Cultivation, Energy Savings and Yield Improvements We recently sat down with Simon Hansen, head grower of Norway’s largest vegetable producer. This in depth interview touches on sustainable cultivation practices, as well as advanced greenhouse technologies and techniques. Miljøgartneriet is Norway’s largest Read More ›

The Benefits of Combining Greenhouse Dehumidifiers and Screens

The Benefits of Combining Greenhouse Dehumidifiers and Screens Thermal screens, often called energy screens or climate screens, are an integral part of modern greenhouses. However, using screens without proper protocols, and integrating additional climate control measures, reduces their effectiveness. This leads to higher energy costs, and less benefits Read More ›

What Is Controlled Environment Agriculture?

What Is Controlled Environment Agriculture? Controlled environment agriculture (CEA) has been growing in popularity over the last couple of decades. Greenhouses have been around for hundreds of years. However, modern CEA has taken control over cultivation to new levels, which many see as the future of food production. Read More ›

What are the Ideal Conditions for Greenhouse Tomatoes?

What are the Ideal Conditions for Greenhouse Tomatoes? Tomatoes grow in relatively warm temperatures, making them the perfect greenhouse crop. Compared to outdoor tomato cultivation, growing in a controlled greenhouses increases yields and quality, reduces pests and diseases, and increases the growing season. Tomatoes are one of the Read More ›

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