Improved Growing Conditions and Lower Disease Rate

“Once you build a greenhouse and cover it, you create a separate climate from the one outdoors. The climate created inside has less air exchange, and higher humidity, which is a prominent factor in the process of disease development. So, reducing humidity is one of the treatments you need.

There’s no doubt that you can’t produce healthy seedlings without taking care of humidity and drying the plants. As long as you cut the fluctuation of humidity and temperature, you can prevent or shorten the progression rate of diseases.

Reliably Improving Cultivation Conditions

Once we started drying the air with DryGair, we got significantly better results. We see significant energy savings as well. It’s a very reliable system that requires virtually no maintenance. There’s no need to clean any filters or drain water. The units work almost without human intervention.

DryGair considerably improved our growing conditions and the rate of disease outbreaks.”

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